Wednesday 11 June 2014

Stocking 4 the Summer!

Summer is here with its signature scorching temperatures and I was all out of UV protection. Here's a few items that I recently picked up, including a sunscreen spray, an orange lipstick, and similar useless stuff a person doesn't really need for their survival... Typical.

Most of these are actually not even new, they've been sitting around in my bathroom for a couple of months already, waiting for their chance. The Amazonia collection by Oriflame is very refreshing during these hot days, and I love the sparkles in Balea's Summer Glam Body lotion

Cien provided just what I was looking for - sunsreen in a spray bottle, transparent, oil based, not too visible after application. I was never happy with cream-based UV protection because it left my skin looking unnaturally white and the layer of cream started leaking after a while. Cien's Sunbathing Spray comes at a reasonable price of 3.99 euro which is a lot less compared to other local brands.

DM surprised me with a load of cheap Hello Kitty items. I chose the eyeshadow duo + a HK mascara, both cost 1 euro. The mirror on the left is from Ebay. And yes, the upper picture is Cheon Song Yi, a character from the famous korean drama, 별에서 온 그대 (alias You Who Came from the Stars). Orange lipsticks seem to be a big thing all around the globe right at the moment, and I spent the whole afternoon searching for one. In the end, I got a cheapish s-he lipstick in colour no. 124, because I am not ready to pay 7+ euro for GOSH, Maybelinne or some other crap (sending regards to countries where seven euro for a lipstick is cheap)... (Also sending regards to my cousin who brought this korean tv series to my attention!)

The two pencils are by Gabriella Salvete, a black eyebrow pencil + a black eye pencil with a sponge on the rear end. Rimmel's MATCH Perfection Concealer in 010 Ivory is the last product on the picture. To this day, I never owned a real concealer/highligter, so I thought it would be good to make use of that discount coupon I received last time. Now if you excuse me, I am going to figure out how to open it... Have a more detailed picture of my orange lipstick obsession in the meanwhile...


  1. Oh my, so many cute items...perfect for your summer look :)
