Thursday 27 February 2014

My new shoes from Deichmann

Winter blinked by without even saying hello and I realized my old black spring ankle boots don´t fit my idea of fabulous anymore. So when I "accidentally" stumbled upon these... you know what happened.

Deichmann, cca 35 euro.

I might just be obsessed with sneaker wedges lately, these are my 3rd of the type. The heel is smaller than on the other two pairs though, so it will be even comfier to walk in. Can´t wait to put them on tomorrow, hope the weather stays just the way it is :-)

Friday 14 February 2014

Easy Guide to Valentine's Day for Singles!

Step 1: Buy something sweet.
Step 2: Gift it to yourself and eat it (all by yourself, no sharing).
Step 3: Repeat steps 1 and 2 until maximum satisfaction is achieved.
Didn't help? You're probably doing it wrong!

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Tiny Little Treasures

Dear internet, this first week of the summer semester turned out to be so bad we decided to dub it "The Week of a Thousand Deaths".
An appropriate name to address the abominations that are our introductory lectures. A ton of books, a pile of useless assignments, a horror. There was only one way to go... retail therapy.

Monday 10 February 2014

Retail Therapy: Summer Semester Started!

Dear internet, I went back to Uni today... the day started as expected - headache and two cold sores on my upper lip. I also failed at eyeliner and my overall face looked somewhat zombie-like. Buuuuut, that doesn't matter because I got stuffz and fluffz from my friend/classmate! She was my trusted watchful eye while I was home in Slovakia and made sure I didn't miss a single sale!

:sorry for the photo quality, my room is rather dark:

Friday 7 February 2014

Valentine's Day Gift... for my Mum!

Since I am single, I prefer to celebrate Valentine's Day with my mother. I am not usually home because of my studies, but it's a tradition for us to give each other a gift. This year she is single as well, so I thought it would be even more appropriate to show her we always have each other. The golden half is mine.

Thursday night out! #FeelsLikeVIP

The classy barista at my favourite place let us have a sneak peek at the new menu. It's still in the making so shush, this is a secret!

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Essence News 2014!

Since this is my last week at home before the summer semester at Uni starts, I thought it would be fun to list some stuff I am looking forward to seeing in the Czech drugstores (since the ones in Slovakia are sad, deserted places). At first, I thought I would include more brands, but turns out there is a ton as it is by Essence alone. And there´s some exciting new products heading our way, so let's get right into it!

Saturday 1 February 2014

Lana del Fail makeup

So is started with a video tutorial for Lana del Rey makeup yesterday and kinda couldn't be bothered following the steps halfway through. This is how it randomly turned out.