Monday 10 February 2014

Retail Therapy: Summer Semester Started!

Dear internet, I went back to Uni today... the day started as expected - headache and two cold sores on my upper lip. I also failed at eyeliner and my overall face looked somewhat zombie-like. Buuuuut, that doesn't matter because I got stuffz and fluffz from my friend/classmate! She was my trusted watchful eye while I was home in Slovakia and made sure I didn't miss a single sale!

:sorry for the photo quality, my room is rather dark:

She got me three very cheap eye pencils - 2x S-he in golden and lilac colour + 1 NYC Show Time Glitter Eyeliner in 945 Starry Blue Sky. All together they cost a little over 1. She also threw in a RYOR facial cream that doesn't suit her and a wonderful lip balm :-)

The Blanchette Lifting Eye Cream is something I am hoping will help with my terribly dry undereye area. It was rather cheap (again, a single ) but my friend has never been wrong about good products so far :-P

Ice Ice baby cable clip by Essence - I wanted to buy this ever since I first saw it online and it now keeps my ridiculous mouse cable together ;-)

The two remaining things on the photo are a soft powder puff, to be used for applying loose powder. And I guess I don't have to introduce the lipstick much. It's a fancy, gorgeous colour, though hard to describe - deep pink with a kind of purple-ish glow: NYC Expert Last Lipstick in 405 Blue Rose. Very glossy, very fabulous. Can't wait for the cold sores to be gone so I can put it on.

Lastly, I forgot to take a photo of the lip balm, but you can see it below, alongside a detail of Blue Rose and my new shampoo. See the amazing sparkly background the tube has? Irresistible! But I was running out of shampoo anyway and this one was on sale - Gliss Kur Million Gloss, 2.

Cold sores or not, remember to always be fabulous!


  1. Contratulations on your amazing products:P Hope that you will be satisfied with the creams:)

  2. I´d better be...I will blame it on you if I am not.
