Wednesday 7 May 2014

Whoa, Exams!!!

Exam period is here. Again. The semester flew by I don't even know how, but - as per usual - I have no idea what the hell it was all about. I was able to pop home and back last week, picking up my study materials. I also carried back a shitload of stuff, because unlike my swaggy, poshy flatmates, I have no one to drive me and my crap home. Trains it is and there will be many of those.

But on to the important things:
I've done some a lot of shopping...

(pics and reviews inside!)

1. Facial Care

With my supply of facial creams dwindling (lies), I picked up a few Essence items that I haven't encountered on my trips to drugstores before. They seem to be rather scarce in the Czech republic, but Slovakia (for once) was well stocked. The prices are nice - around 2.50 euro each, but that also means the quality is not completely spot on.

Moisturizing Cream-Gel (Cucumber and Lime): There is very little moisturizing going on with this product. I admit it might be just because my skin sucks in everything you put on top of it within 30 seconds, but if you are a dry skin type like me, this might not be the best choice for you. !!!HOWEVER!!! I still think this is a fun little product especially for summer since it has a light, gel consistency and it feels really refreshing. If you look closer on your fingers after application, you will notice the gel has tiny sparkling particles in it, but those are NOT visible on your skin, so don't freak out. And lastly - it smells beautifully and has a minty green colour. That's all I need to want to buy it again in the future.

Tinted Moisturizer (Light): When I opened the tube for the first time (still at the drugstore), I thought this looked like pure poop (a term I use with my friend to describe supposedly "light" makeup that turns out to be too dark). But since I really liked the idea of something between a BB cream and a moisturizer, I gave it another chance and applied a tiny sample on the back of my hand. Turns out there was no serious poopery going on with this product and ponk - to the shopping basket it went. I must say though that this doesn't suit me as a moisturizer either, therefore I use it as a substitute to BB creams on those parts of my face that don't really need a full cover up (all except nose and under eye area).

4in1 Cleansing Cream (Pomegranate and Bamboo): Out of the three, this is by far the most satisfying product. It removes makeup and dirt quite well, it feels light and refreshing, it doesn't (my) irritate eyes. I didn't think I would ever find a substitute for Dermacol BB Wash 8in1, but if I had to choose, I would pick this one. Make sure to read the description on the back to choose the right variant for your skin type.

BONUS! A gift from my mum: Ziaja Goat's Milk Eye Cream:
I've been looking for Ziaja products for quite a while now. They are somewhat hard to find in Czech drugstores, but miraculously, Slovakia surprised me again. After a (very) short discussion, my mum decided to be a sweetie and treated me with this fancy little eye cream box. I can't stress enough how much I love the derpy goat picture.

2. Make Up

I wasn't exactly a lipstick person in the past, though I did have my tiny collection of reds and dark purple-ish ones. This spring, I really feel like PINKing it up and it's showing. From bright vibrant Essence Colour Crush, through ASTOR's bubblegum pink (730), to juicy cherries like Catrice's Kiss Kiss Hibiscus (320).
But of course, there is still no better feeling than finding goodies for cheap in the sales basket. 
Each cost me like 0.30 euro. Thanks, Obama :-D

3. Hair

Once again with the help of a handy coupon, I was able to afford this overpriced piece of shi... I mean, this wonderful shampoo: TONI&GUY for Damaged Hair. While it has its undoubted qualities, it's not made of gold and I will never approve of the "regular" pricing of these products. I do believe the drugstores only put them so high because the brand is seen as something above average in this area.

4. Necessities

To end with a "funny" story, here's my new giant suitcase to replace my old giant suitcase - which, sadly, left me in my time of need, just as I was giddily dragging it behind me on its sorry little wheels. So to say a few words in its honour: Thanks for nothing, you crappy piece of plastic. Breaking off a wheel like that - best prank ever. Well played.

PS: I'm expecting a mini MUA package, stay tuned ;-)


  1. When I see all your new stuff together, I feel less guilty about my recent spending :D

    1. Worst part it...I´m not even showing everything... ;D
